Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Project Presentations
Each year the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan class breaks into several groups to work on a field project addressing community needs. The class will be presenting this projects Wednesday, May 11th at the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC.
9-9:45 a.m. - Bringing warmth to low-income students
Our group is committed to supporting children in the community who lack financial resources. The project will deliver gifts that bring joy, warmth, and nutrition during the holidays.
Tim Flagstad
Linda Oster
Alicia Rogstad
Laura Sandberg
Ellie Shockley
Grant Sundquist
10-10:45 a.m. - Local beef in schools
Our goal is to bring local, North Dakota raised beef into the Bismarck Public School system. This ensures our students are getting a trusted, quality product while also supporting the North Dakota economy by bringing business to local ranchers.
Amy Arenz
Samantha Froelich
Nicole Gagner
Rae Gunn
McKenzie Smith
Destiny Voth
11-11:45 a.m. - Solar power at Heaven’s Helpers Soup Café
North Dakota produces some of the most sunlight in the country but has less solar panels than any other state. The Soup Cafe provides many wonderful resources to the community all on donations. There is a huge opportunity to build solar panels to capture a free resource to alleviate utility expenses.
Teresa Chrest
Nicolas Cullen
Rena Mehlhoff
Kyren Miller
Barry Schumaier
Emily Smith

Date and Time
Wednesday May 11, 2022
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Date: Wednesday, May 11th
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC
1640 Burnt Boat Drive
Free to Attend
Contact Information
Cathryn Sprynczynatyk Anderson
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