Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan 2024
Please head on over to, www.bismarckmandan.lemonadeday.org, to register for this year’s Lemonade Day program! Once registered, you will be included in all Lemonade Day communications that will keep you and your entrepreneur up to date on backpack/workbook pickups, tips and tricks for sweet success, as well as messages from our City Champions.
Lemonade Day is a free, fun, experiential learning program that teaches kids how to start, own, and operate their very own business – a lemonade stand. Children who register will receive a free backpack and Entrepreneur Workbook that will teach them to:
- Set a goal
- Create a business plan
- Create a Budget
- Find an investor
- Advertise their business
- Build a lemonade stand
- Provide customer service
- Make spending decisions
Once a youth pays their investor back, they keep all of the money they earn and are encouraged to spend some, save some, and share some of their profit with a local charity, non-profit, or someone in need.
The program is geared toward 3rd – 8th graders, however, anyone and everyone can be involved in Lemonade Day! Young entrepreneurs with lemonade stands need mentors, investors, business partners, great locations, and customers!
Lemonade Day Bismarck-Mandan will be Saturday, July 20th with youth who will start new businesses all across Bismarck-Mandan - on a single day. Registration is currently open with a program KICKOFF in late May.
Learn more at www.bismarckmandan.lemonadeday.org, or contact Tatelyn, thoule@bmcedc.com, at the Chamber EDC, 701-223-5660, with any questions!
Be sure to join us on Facebook at:
Main Squeeze Sponsors:

Fresh Squeeze Sponsors:

Lemon Head Sponsors: Bobcat, Dakota Fence, Gizmonics, Grand Junction Grilled Subs, Huck Financial, Naomi Keny with CENTURY 21 Morrison Realty, Our Family brought to you by Family Fare, Scheels, University of Mary, Vue Community Credit Union
Lime Light Sponsors:

Date and Time
Saturday Jul 20, 2024
Lemonade Stands can be found all across Bismarck and Mandan on July 20th.
Find branded stands in the community by going to www.lemonadeday.org/bismarck-mandan/stands-map
Free to Participate
Register online at www.bismarckmandan.lemonadeday.org
Contact Information
Tatelyn Houle
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