Walk for Walkers & Wheelies
Mark your calendars for July 20 and come help us celebrate with this family event. We are hosting an all inclusive walk for people of all abilities at the Amvets on Saturday, July 20 at 9 am. Along with the walk we will be having a silent auction, 50/50 raffle, bake sale, wellness health fair. There will be activities to celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
We are seeking donations to help us make this event successful in our community. If you would like to donate anything, please reach out to CathyJo at cathyj@dakotacil.org or 222-3636
We are fundraising for the people we serve:
Assistive Technology ♦ Community & Social Activities ♦ Independent Living Skills Training ♦ Outreach to an 18 County Service Area ♦ Empower People with Disabilities by Minimizing Barriers
To donate text the code "WALKERS&WHEELIES" to 44-321
To register for the walk goto https://dakotacil.org/walkersandwheelies/
Get Walk apparel here: DakotaCIL (printavo.com)
#DCILWalk #ServingPeopleWithDisabilitiesSince1980 #dcilhealthfair #dcilservices #DakotaCILWalkForWalkersNWheelies #DCILWalkForWalkersNWheelies #DCILAwarenessWalkFundraiser #AdvocatingForChange
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 20, 2024
7:30 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
July 20. Registration 7:30-8:30; walk & wellness health fair starts at 9.
Silent auction will close at 1pm.
Bismarck Amvets - 2402 Railroad Ave. Bismarck
Registration is $25/person; under 5 free.
Contact Information
Cathy Jo
Send Email